
Junior Ages 10-12

Junior T-Ball Division

Tee ball all is the introductory program of the CVBA and was developed as a fun way to teach all five fundamentals of baseball…hitting, throwing, catching, fielding and running for the young player ages 4 and 5.

Tee ball is played with a “soft” ball, a Tee, a glove and an aluminum tee ball bat. All players are constantly rotated between all positions and will experience every part of the game. It’s exciting, it’s fun, everyone hits every inning, and the kids really learn the game of baseball properly and safely.

Division Contact info

DIVISION Name Cell Number Email Address
Rookie Dave Sansone 647-280-7289 sansone9797@yahoo.ca
Mosquito David Koven 647-296-0021 koven21@rogers.com
Mosquito Adam Muscat 416-428-9828 adammuscat@live.ca
Mosquito Mitchell Kerzner 416-985-4571 mitchkerzner@hotmail.com
Peewee Rino Manzo 416-919-2391 zmanzogroup@gmail.com
Bantam Rob Partipilo 416-526-1114 rparti73@gmail.com
Bantam Al Moscardelli 416-569-0570 almoscardelli@gmail.com


Junior T-Ball