The Vaughan Vikings are rich in tradition of developing highly competitive provincial and national caliber girl softball players through a commitment to athletic excellence and dedication while creating a well-rounded female athlete. Players are needed in all divisions and tryouts will be open and fair.

Contact:  Frank.lacaria@vaughanvikings.com


All players must register before taking the field


U11 – Sean Billingsley - sean00harvey@gmail.com

Sept 4 - 2pm - Tudor 1

Sept 5- 6pm - Tudor 1

Sept 6 - 6pm - Tudor 1 (CANCELLED)

U13JR – Andrew Easdale - andrews.teamsnap@gmail.com

Sept 4 - 2pm - Tudor 3

Sept 5/Sept 6 - 6pm - Tudor 3

U13SR – Brandon Garrett - Brandon.Garrett@ca.cushwake.com

Sept 4 - 2pm - Tudor 3

Sept 5/Sept 6 - 6pm - Tudor 3

U15JR - Kristiaan Zandwyk-De Haas -  kristiaan.zandwyk@gmail.com

Sept 4,5 - 6pm - Tudor

Sept 6 - 6pm - Tudor 2 (CANCELLED) - TEAM FINALIZED

U19 – Dave Vallance -  davev@cbinc.com - TBD